FAQ & Help

Placing order

Silverfied is a trusted razorpay business, and provide easy checkout with it's zecpe software. Simply add to cart, apply any valid coupon, enter your details and mode of payment to place an order.


Our shipping process is coordinated and well managed which makes it possible for us to ship within 48 hours from placing order. Some pin codes may suffer delay due to one ground service, however we assure and take credibility for delivery of each order.

For more details kindly visit - https://silverfied.in/pages/faq-help

Online orders


Use this text to share information about your product or shipping policies.

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.Average answer time: 24h

In store


Use this text to share information about your product or shipping policies.

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.Average answer time: 24h